Desco Standup FX Scarifier & Grinder


The DESCO Stand-Up Scarifier and Belt Grinder was ERGONOMICALLY designed to ease the user’s fatigue by getting them OFF their knees while INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY! This Stand-Up scarifier is the most aggressive, lightweight walk-behind tool available today. This tool uses either a cutter hub, hammer hub or the NEW INNOVATIVE cushion hub with a 36 grit Desco-XL abrasive belt.


Cutter Hub/Hammer Hub Cushion Hub
• Non-skid removal • Weld grinding
• Rust/scale removal • Scar removal
• Surface profiling • Mil scale removal
• Traffic line removal


Part Description Hub Included
110.224 SUFX, Standard Cutter hub, welded
110.2243 SUFX, Reloadable Cutter hub, reloadable
110.2246 SUFX, Roto-hammer Hammer hub
110.2245 SUFX, Belt grinder Cushion hub


Item Value
Power: 120V, 15A
Speed (no load): 6,000 rpm
Weight (motor, body, no hub): 42 lbs.
Length: 30″
Height: 39″
Vacuum Hose Req.:
Diameter 1-1/2″ ID
Length: 10′ standard, 25′ max

Interchangeable Hubs

Hub Type Description
Cutter Hub Cutters are used to remove heavy coatings including epoxy and elastomeric type coatings, mastic removal, non-skid removal, as well as concrete scarification. Two types of cutter hubs are available:

  1. Welded – when cutters wear out the hub is discarded.
  2. Reloadable – when cutters wear out, the hub is reloaded. A reload kit is available which includes cutters and other wear parts.
Roto-Hammer Hub Roto-Hammers are very effective in removing fracturable coatings. Due to their design, they are also ideal for removing coatings from irregular surfaces or surfaces with holes or protruding objects such as nuts, bolts, welds and tie downs. Due to the Roto-Hammer design, they perform much like a high-speed needlegun in terms of both profile and versatility. Hammers will step over obstacles like bolt heads and step into depressions, in the same manner as the needles of a needlegun.
Cushion Hub Cushion hubs are used for applications requiring coated abrasives. The cushion hub excels at tasks such as post-weld leveling and grinding off scars left by cutting off lifting padeyes. These post-weld tasks are traditionally done with a hand held grinder with the tool operator on his knees. However, the SUFX/Cushion setup provides significant advantages over a hand-held grinder process, including: 1) Productivity – faster results, 2) Esthetics – no swirl marks and, 3) Ergonomics – the worker operates the machine from a standing position.


Part Description
Interchangeable Hubs
110.032 Hub, Cutter, Reloadable, w/cutters
110.022 Hub, Roto-Hammer (eq. to a high speed needlegun)
110.096 Hub, Cushion (for use with abrasive belts)
110.033 Reload, cutters
820.54677 Abrasive Belt, 36 grit (other grits available)
110.001 Replacement Brush Set for Dust Collector. Comes with brush, channels and rivets