170.181 BPH VersaTool, Pneumatic


170.218 BPH VersaTool, Pneumatic, w/Dust Collector


170.218 BPH Pipe Cleaner/Overboard Discharge Cleaner


170.013 6″ BPH Wheel


170.014 7″ BPH Wheel



Desco VersaTool

BPH VersaTool, Standard

The BPH tool was designed for coating removal, rust and corrosion removal, and to achieve the cleanliness standard for SSPC Sp.11. The BPH tool is especially effective on rusted and pitted metal, weld preparation and weld inspection. Ideal for cleaning small diameter pipe and 2” handrails. Offered in both pneumatic and electric models. Dust shrouds are optional.

BPH VersaTool, Overboard Discharge/Pipe Cleaning Option

The VersaTool is even more versatile with the addition of the Overboard Discharge Tool / Pipe Cleaner Tool. This configuration allows cleaning pipes internally to a depth of 18”. BPH abrasive is the standard for use with this pipe cleaning option. However, assorted coated abrasive discs and conditioning discs are available for specialty applications.


Part Description Accessories Furnished
Pneumatic Models
170.217 VersaTool, System Tool, dust collector, 6ʺ x 1.25ʺ abrasive wheel (1 on tool, plus 3 spare wheels), whip assy, oil bottle, carry case
170.218 VersaTool, Dust-free Tool, dust collector, 6ʺ x 1.25ʺ abrasive wheel (1)
170.181 VersaTool Tool, 7ʺ x 1.25ʺ abrasive wheel (1)
170.186 Overboard Discharge/ Pipe Cleaner Tool, 2ʺ BPH abrasive wheel
Electric Models
170.228 VersaTool, Dust-free Tool, dust collector, 6ʺ x 1.25ʺ abrasive wheel (1)
170.2289 VersaTool Tool, 6ʺ x 1.25ʺ abrasive wheel (1)


Item Pneumatic Electric
Weight 5.5 lbs 8.7 lbs
Length 11ʺ 12ʺ
Power required 90 psi @ 20 cfm 110 volts
Speed, no load 3,200 rpm 3,800 rpm


Part Description
170.013 BPH abrasive wheel, 1.25ʺ x 6ʺ
170.014 BPH abrasive wheel, 1.25ʺ x 7ʺ (cannot be used with shroud)
9170.014 BPH abrasive wheel, 1.25ʺ x 7ʺ (25/case) (cannot be used with shroud)
500.146 Wire wheel, 1ʺ x 6ʺ, stainless
810.226 BPH abrasive wheel, 2ʺ, ROLOC
810.326 BPH abrasive wheel, 3ʺ, ROLOC

Specialty Abrasives

Specialty Abrasives Available
Contact Desco Technical Support for More Information