The Model 19 Chipping Gun is a Model 19 Needlegun with needles removed and chisel inserted in their place. There are three tension settings to maximize performance.
To order a Model 19 Chipping Gun: 1) Order a Model 19 Needlegun and, 2) order a chisel of your choice.
130.119 - Model 19 Needlegun
130.030 - 7” Angle Chisel
130.016 - 7” Straight Chisel
130.01612 - 12” Straight Chisel
130.01712 - 12” Angle Chisel
Weight: 7 lbs.
Stroke: 1 1/8" @4,000 BPM
Overall length: 16.25”
Air Requirement: 22 cfm @ 90 psi.